Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

45# : Dr. Baldwin’s Tips for a Successful & Balanced Life

1. Establish your goals in different areas of your life- family and friends, health and fitness, your career, your hobbies (art, photography, music, charity, etc), and spirituality/religion/self-enlightenment

2. Make sure you are passionate about achieving these goals and pursue them each and every day with equal strength and desire.

3. Fill your plate every day with tangible ways to work toward achieving these goals. Let moderation be your guide, never doing anything in excess.

4. Have fun, and never take life too seriously. Be able to laugh at yourself. Don’t ever be so high strung, that you are afraid to have a beer, stay up all night, eat pizza, or miss a workout.

5. Athletics are not just about the race and how you do, it’s more about the experiences you have in the journey getting there.

6. Maintain perspective, and always be grateful for the gifts you have been given.

7. Coffee can be your friend, and your enemy. Like I said before, do everything in moderation.

8. Sleep when you can, eat when you can, tell a joke when you can, and smile!

9. Always have a little voice in the back of your head challenging you, saying you can’t achieve everything you want to in life. Prove them wrong.

10. Remember your mortality. In the end, you are no better or worse than any other human being on this earth. What will matter are the relationships you had with others, and how you influenced and inspired them. Lead by example, be generous, always ask how you can help, and forever have a smile on your face.

About Baldwin, MD : http://andybaldwin.com/about.html


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